
usage: /Users/andrew/env/arm/bin/arm install [-h] [-U] [-n] (-r REQUIREMENTS | role_or_module)

install playbook role

positional arguments:
  role_or_module        specifier of role or module to install locally

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -U, --upgrade
  -n, --no-dependencies
  -r REQUIREMENTS, --requirements REQUIREMENTS    install from requirements file

For specifier syntax, see Specifiers.

depedency installation

The Ansible Role Manager uses the information contained with a role’s meta/main.yml. If there are no dependencies, it will be defined like:


# file: ROLE/meta/main.yml

dependencies: [ ]

If there are dependencies, Ansible will run them first:


# file: ROLE/meta/main.yml

    - { role: my_local_role }

If you install a custom role using ARM, it will try to fetch and install these roles as well. If the role is located in Ansible Galaxy, you can specify it with no additional fields:


# file: ROLE/meta/main.yml

    - { role: repo.owner }

For dependent roles that are in other locations, add a src field, using the same Specifiers as before:


# file: ROLE/meta/main.yml

    - { role: my_local_role, src:git+ }


In order for Ansible to find the dependent role, the installed name needs to match the role name. The previous example has this error and can be fixed by (1) my_local_role should be changed to SomeOwner.SomeRole or (2) add #alias=mycustomrole to the source path:


# file: ROLE/meta/main.yml

    - { role: my_local_role, src:git+ }
    - { role: SomeOwner.SomeRole, src:git+ }

If these don’t match, ARM will warn but not throw an error. Ansible, however, will not be able to execute properly.

requirements file format

Use a file where each line is a new role (or module) that should be installed using the same Specifiers as from the arm install command line. Before installing any role, ARM will download all items in the list plus all their dependencies. If there is overlap, ARM will only install each item once.

After manually installing roles and modules, the requirements file can be generated by using freeze.