.. _static-file-management: static file management ============================================== environment configuration ------------------------------------- By convention, the django project template included in this package uses:: STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "site_static") STATIC_URL = "/static/" During development (ie `DEBUG=True`), the django.static.staticfiles handler will find all your various static files. In production, run ``./manage.py collectatic`` to gather all the static files. import statements ------------------------------------- This setup will also allow you to have import statements, but the paths need to be relative to `static`. for example, if your static file is in ``myapp/static/myapp/mylessfile.less``, the import statement would be:: @import "/static/script/textarea.css"; css (and less,sass) and javascript ---------------------------------------------- The project template is setup with sekizai tags (a convenient way of specifiy your scripts in any page but all of them rendering in one place) and compress (preprocessor of files as well as concatenation & minimization). To enable the precompilers, uncomment this line towards the bottom of the `settings.py` file:: COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = ( ('text/less', 'lessc {infile} {outfile}'), ) included static file libraries ----------------------------------------------- * bootstrap (version 2) twitter's cross platform & device library http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/ * bootstrap3 twitter's cross platform & device library http://getbootstrap.com/ * canjs javascript mvc framework, forked (formerly known as?) sproutcore works with jQuery, Zepto, Dojo, Mootools, YUI http://canjs.com * emberjs * glyphicons * html5shiv * jquery * anythingslider.css * imagesloaded.min.js * jquery.ajaxform.js * jquery.anythingslider.min.js * jquery.cookie.js * jquery.infieldlabel.js * jquery.placeholder.js * jquery.qtip.css * jquery.qtip.js * jquery.selectboxit.js * jquery.tooltipster.js * jquery.tooltipster.min.js * selectboxit.css * themes * tooltipster.css * jqueryui * reset.css * respondjs * select2 * selectize * tinymce * wijmo